“Utility Inspection” data service covers high-precision processing of airborne mapping data ( LiDAR point clouds, Photos..) This data is used to inspect high voltage powerline or diverse utility infrastructure such as Windkraftanlagen, Bauwerke, Solaranlagen, large Pipeline, Brücken and Schienennetze.
- Over 10000 km of point-cloud classification
- Making data analysis and reports
- High precision data outputs
Insellco has develop expertise to post-process variety of data acquired by drones and helicopters. We process large volume of mapping data related to above mentioned utility infrastructure and deliver the desired output.
We support our clients in generating a variety of outputs (classification, Orthophotomap, visuals..). and generate desired reports after performing analysis on the processed data.
Taking high voltage power lines as an example, using LIDAR or images, we classify profile of masts and associated elements (wire, vegetation, buildings, etc.) with high geometric accuracy.
In addition to classification, we also help clients to create cable profiles, calculate distances, analyze vegetation and identify dangerous objects. The workflow changes depending on the customer’s requirements and type of utility network objects.
Our work focuses on data processing
GIS Data Processing for power lines
(distribution and transmission)
GIS Data processing of associated objects
(Terrain, building, vegetation, roads..)
GIS data processing of Utility infrastructure
(Wind, Bauwerke, Solar anlage ..)
Detection and documentation of defects
(weak points, damages, rotting, breakage, missing objects, unclear text etc.)
Report generation
(Analysis, Fault categories, priorities etc)
Key Requirements: In Projekten begegnen wir einer Vielzahl von Anforderungsprofilen.
Requirement Profil:
The cater to diverse requirements ranging from inspection of high-voltage powerline infrastructure to the diverse utility installations where high level skillset of Engineering, Geoinformatics, LIDAR, photogrammetry and software development is demanded.
Existing utility infrastructure assets are mapped using LiDAR The key requirement is to classify point-cloud data to extract diverse set of elements ( e.g. Mast, vegetation along the power line corridor) and provide accurate position information (e.g. structures, and the surrounding terrain features, building)
Three-dimensional stereoscopic evaluation of various elements of Utility infrastructure ( e.g. energy supply )and also generate special products such as orthophotomaps, elevation models, PLS CADD data, etc
The requirement is to make Inspection of the Utility ( e.g. Transmission Line Network) using processed data (Orthophotos or) classified LiDAR data in the given system ( e.g. PLS CADD)
Requirement is to use output data (3D terrain model or images) and with the help of given tools perform analysis of given element (e.g. Vegetation, danger tree). Output data can also be analysed in the third-party system such as PLL CADD( modelling of Powerline profiles). Thereafter, we present these results in desired report format.
At INSELLCO, with our domain expertise in underground and overground energy distribution networks, we are able to quickly understand requirements that differ from the description above. Our ability to navigate between different GIS Systems and handling of various industry standard processing tools for point-cloud makes us unique in handling complex data processing tasks.
We are providing Long term support since 2002 to Engineering and energy distribution companies as subcontractors. Our pool of experts are familiar with various industry-specific requirements and dealing with diverse data obtained from various airborne and terrestrial mapping techniques.
We take full control to understand of requirements, prepare required documentation, train our staff for specific tasks, quality control and prepare delivery plans.
Key Requirements: In Projekten begegnen wir einer Vielzahl von Anforderungsprofilen.
Service Profil:
We classify LiDAR data into given classes accurately and develop highly optimized workflows by considering manual or semi-automatic way. We have Highly skilled operators to process variety of point cloud data sets acquired through airborne and mobile mapping.
We offer to evaluate various images acquired through different camera types including Phase one. By utilizing our Geospatial and photogremmatric evaluation capabilities we perform AT, generate special products such as orthophotomaps, elevation models or 2D and 3D feature extraction of given objects.
We perform quick visual inspections on given images, infrared images and mark defect on image or present the same on maps. We can also prepare a detailed inspection report which utilizes classified LiDAR data, Orthophotomaps and present results as per the specifications supplied by our client.
By utilizing our engineering and geospatial knowledge, we analyse various scenarios whether damage or defects or danger object ( tree ) analysis e.g. presenting ranges of vegetation at specified height intervals. We are also capable to quickly utilize the capabilities of third-party system such as PLL CADD to present desired results.
Utility infrastructure involve a wide range of objects for which a deep domain specific engineering knowledge is desired along with their representation in GIS and Photogrammetry systems.
Knowledge of infrastructure shape, local context and technical details are crucial to get a control over projects.
Wherever, we lack engineering or domain specific knowledge, we take responsibility to understand the given specification document and provide a further training to our operators. Accordingly we customize glossary for descriptions of damages/remarks and develop workflows.
We have a good understanding of the industry-specific utility and energy distribution network, land use area, infrastructure objects and various types of defects (e.g. bolting of the mast and its brackets).
Our handling of large amount of geodata, understanding of modern mapping technologies, accuracy issues, understanding of technical drawings and technical terms helps us to set up data processing projects quickly and deliver results.
We have a wide knowledge of equipment and techniques used to collect data from drones and mobile vans. We have an internal data review process which can detect errors early. This helps our client to take necessary actions immediately.
Due to our in-house resource management and training facilities, we remain cost-effective in the market and have been able to offer competitive prices. In some cases, we prepare a cost estimate at the bidding stage of the project.
From a single source very good knowledge of the basic elements of inspection methods, utility values, defect types and on the other hand very good knowledge of LiDAR data classification of more than 200 feature classes (including vegetation, pedestrian zones, roads with landscape).
We prepare a detailed specification report together with the customer to understand the level of detail in the proposal phase of the project. This enables us to make the most accurate and precise assessment of data compilation.
Flexible work processes, time savings, cost reduction. Please contact us with your requirements to learn more about the labor assessment and cost advantage.
We have a unique mix of highly specialized professionals with extensive experience across multiple utility industries including high-voltage power lines, wind turbines, structures, solar systems, pipelines, bridges, rail networks, We understand the terminology, the nature of the accuracy requirements for industrial grades, and the measurement standards followed.
Utility infrastructure involve a wide range of objects for which a deep domain specific engineering knowledge is desired along with their representation in GIS and Photogrammetry systems.
Knowledge of infrastructure shape, local context and technical details are crucial to get a control over projects.
Wherever, we lack engineering or domain specific knowledge, we take responsibility to understand the given specification document and provide a further training to our operators. Accordingly we customize glossary for descriptions of damages/remarks and develop workflows.
If you are a mapping or company responsible for the inspection of utilities and your project requires data post-processing, we look forward to assisting you with our services.
If you have requirements to classify the small or large volume of point-cloud for utility network or to 2D or 3D compilation of objects, we are happy to support you with our abilities in a cost-effective way. We take over the tasks of handling, updating and inspecting your processing with our expert tea, team. Find out more about our range of services.